Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Ten Years From Now

Ten years from now is something that is hard for me to see at this point in my life. I have many decisions to make this year like what I want to do with my degree in architecture and where I want to live. Both of those aspects will greatly affect where my future is leading but I have some family and friends goals and also some general career goals.

For my career goals, I know I want to do something with historic preservation. I have always had an interest in old buildings, esp houses, and would love to research the history of them and renovate the houses. I don't really know where that will lead me, there are beautiful buildings all over the US waiting to be renovated, so I have no idea where I will live in 10 years. However, I have a strong interest in the south. I love the atmosphere and climate so I was considering Charleston and Savannah and in general, I want to stay in SC or more southern. That's about all I can think about my career at this point in my life.

For my family goals, I want to stay close with my sister and parents. Even though I will most likely be far away from them, I don't want to lose touch or grow apart from them! My sister is having a baby in June (I'm going to be an aunt!) and I want to be around to spoil the little girl! As for my family, I would like to be married and have at least one child by age 32, but that depends on when I get married.

Right now, my friends are very important to me and I really hope that in the future that will stay the same. I know that, most likely, the friends I have now won't be the friends I have 10 years from now; but I want to have good, caring, loyal friends like I do now.

That's my view of 10 years from now. It's pretty blurry but after graduation and in the next few months, it will be coming more and more clear.

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